Wisconsin Dive Club, based in Madison, Wisc., is a youth-sports program for the sport of diving. Launching in 2021 out of the University of Wisconsin’s new aquatic center, WDC develops young people through the sport of diving in addition to offering camps and coaching clinics. WDC reached out to Springboard Creative to create its visual identity and establish a brand strategy. Our experience in youth sports, diving in particular, made us a perfect match to help get WDC off the ground.


Wisconsin Dive Club
Madison, Wisc.
Youth Sports


Brand Consulting
Visual Identity


The client was a veteran of building club sports teams so he needed more in the way of consulting than full strategy, along with a robust visuals package.


While the club with call the new Soderholm Family Aquatic Center at UW home and is run by the university’s diving coach, the program is not directly affiliated with the university. We had to create a visual identity that acknowledges the loose ties to UW without encroaching on its brand.


We aligned the color palette with that of the university and included a badger mascot. The badger is the official mascot of UW, but Wisconsin is also known as the “badger state.”


We wanted to break free of the idea that the identity must include something related to the sport (a silhouette, water, board, etc.).


The simple explanation is to just not include that type of imagery. The name itself identifies what the sport is, and the use of a mascot actually creates differentiation from competitors.


The identity needed to be more than just a wordmark and have versatility for multiple mediums, apparel, etc.


We built a system of a primary lockup, mascot only, and word mark that could all be displayed on multiple backgrounds. This system allows for options for embroidery (when less detail translates), horizontal and vertical usage, social media icons, and more.


In addition to the main visuals, the client sought a less intense/scary mascot for use with a lessons program aimed at particularly young athletes.


Create a mascot that holds true to the rest of the brand elements but is more inviting, playful, and appropriate for young children.


We used an uncropped version of the main badger icon, adjusting the eyes and mouth to be less intimidating. We anchored this to a cartoon body, complete with a “speedo” swimsuit, to create the playful look needed.


Ensure the whole system works together. 


We created a dogtag shape as the anchor of the system. This can be seen not only in the badger icon itself, but also as the O in Wisconsin, along with social media icons and more.

“We had a very positive and informative experience with Nick. He helped us create a brand and image that reflected our mission and our image for the community. He walked us through the process and guided us while meeting our needs and providing us a brand that we are very proud to call our own. To make a long story short, he made what was in my head a reality, and made it look better.”  

Yahya Radman

Owner and Program Director